Lymphatic System Health Coaching

Have John Ossipinsky As Your Personal Coach To Health And Vitality

Take Control of Your Health and Life with

Emerging Science of the Lymphatic System and pH

In Less Than One Hour of Coaching With John Ossipinsky, You Will Have a New More Complete Understanding of Your Illness and What it Takes to Get Your Health Back on Track.

Alleviate Chronic Pain, Chronic Fatigue, Depression, Insomnia, Headaches, Allergies
Sleep Better, Have Less Stress and a Stronger Immune System

Deeply Relax Your Mind and Body

Increase Whole Body Circulation and the Natural Detoxification of Cellular Waste

Help Reduce Swelling, Lymphedema, Lipedema

Learn to Balance Your Diet and Your Life

Feel and Monitor Congestion in Your Body

Are You Ready To Take Control Of Your Health And Life?

Do you need to change your health and are confused about your illness and what you should do to feel better. In just One-Hour of coaching with John Ossipinsky you will gain knowledge to help you understand your individual health concern and what you can do to improve your health. John is the developer of Lymphpractic®, he understands how emerging science of the lymphatic system can help you get your health and life back, not in months but in days or weeks.

He has studied and worked with the lymphatic system for over 25 years. He is the developer of LymphPractic, a Lymphatic System/pH researcher and author. His book, An Undetected Acid-Alkaline Imbalance explains how excess acidic waste and proteins (parts of damaged or dead cells) are constricting your lymphatic system (a sewage treatment plant for the body) which limits circulation in the body. This limited blood flow allows your own cellular waste (damaged and dead cells, fibrin, hormones, cholesterol, toxins and acid waste) to build in your skin, muscles, bones, organs, nerves and brain, beginning the disease process.

A Healthy Lymphatic System Detoxes Cellular Waste From The Body & Brain

  • Research in July 2014 has linked Diabetes to cellular waste building in the pancreas.
  • Research has found b-amyloid plaque (cellular waste) to be a major contributing factor in Alzheimer’s and Insomnia.
  • Two studies in 2005 linked fat and obesity to damaged lymphatic vessels.

This buildup of acid waste is making you sick, tired or unable to think. By understanding the emerging science of the lymphatic system and learning how to activate its network of vessels and nodes, using your own two hands, you can create a Healthier, Happier Life. To shorten your learning curve of this new emerging science, try an hour of lymphatic system health coaching with John, you will be amazed.

Lymphatic System Health Coaching

Do you have questions that need to be answered about the lymphatic system and acid-alkaline balance and how to use this emerging science to overcome disease and attain health? The right answers and the right science can quickly change your health. John has worked with most health problems from cancer, heart disease, autoimmune disorders, depression, PTSD, MS, insomnia, fibromyalgia, lime disease, allergies, ADD, ADHD, autism, Asperger’s, Dementia, and Alzheimer’s. Most health problems improve with lymph drainage and balancing pH.

John will never diagnose your problem. Coaching will help you understand your health problem more clearly and show you ways to improve lymph flow to help your pain, stress, weak immune system or other health problems by balancing your pH and activating your lymphatic system.

If you are interested in Lymphatic Health Coaching with John please contact us or call 602-628-0070.

One Hour of Coaching with John

90 Minutes of Coaching with John