John Ossipinsky's Lymphatic System Health Blog

Learn Life Changing Science of the Lymphatic System and Health


John Ossipinsky has been working with the lymphatic system for over 25 years, helping client’s with their pain and debility. He is an author, health coach and the developer of LymphPractic, a gentle whole body lymphatic system tuneup that benefits most health problems. John is on a mission to help everyone understand the importance of detoxing and maintaining their lymphatic system. Understanding the body’s sewage treatment system can help you overcome an illness, lower your risk of disease or have a vibrant, happy life with your memories intact. The lymphatic system helps maintain every system in the body, by improving this one system, you help all system’s of the body, even the brain.

Podcast 92 Help Autism in Children by Improving the Lymph-Brain Connection

Brain CellsSome parents of children with autism say they watched as their child’s ability to think declined. You can help autism in children by improving the lymph-brain connection to help balance the pH in the brain cells. Research has found that in Alzheimer’s, when the brain cells called astrocytes have an acidic pH, they are unable to clean themselves.  I believe a similar phenomenom, where the child’s brain cells have become overly acidic, limiting their ability to clean themselves. This is how any part of the body or brain can become full of inflammation and toxicity. When you learn how to detox and maintain the lymphatic system you gain more control over how you or a child thinks and feels.


Podcast 91 Healthy Diet Helps Lipedema

Lipedema is a lymphatic disorder of painful subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT), likely affecting millions of women worldwide. Eating a healthy diet can help lipedema, especially with controlling edema. Eating more fresh fruits and vegetables and cutting out the wheat products, even whole wheat, and meat protein can make a big difference in how you control your edema. You will see the biggest difference in the early stages of lipedema with diet, supplements and lymphatic drainage or self-lymphatic drainage. If you have the later stages of lipedema the goal is to use diet, supplements and lymphatic drainage or self-lymphatic drainage to keep the edema from becoming lipo-lymphedema. It is not about being perfect in diet and lifestyle but learning to clean up on a regular schedule to reduce inflammation.

Podcast 90 Help Heart Disease with Lymphatic System Detoxification

Human Heart CirculationHeart disease is a general term that means that the heart is not working normally. You can help heart disease with lymphatic system detoxification. Babies can be born with what is called congenital heart disease. If people get heart disease later in life, it is called acquired heart disease. Most heart disease is acquired. The heart is a muscle that pumps non-stop. When the heart becomes acidic it can fill with its own cellular waste limiting the ability of the heart to pump blood out efficiently to the body and brain. The lympahtic system plays a large role in mainating the heart and keeping it from filling with cellular waste and fluid. Heart failure has been linked to proteins building in the heart muscle. To help your heart your need to understand how to use diet, supplements and lymphatic drainage to improve circulationa nd detoxificationin the heart.



Podcast 89 Help Chronic Pain After Surgery with Lymphatic System Detox

senior man hand holding he neck and massaging in chronic pain area.Often after surgery many individuals have chronic pain for years. Having chronic pain after surgery is a very large problem. You can help chronic pain after surgery with lymphatic system detox. In surgery blood and lymph vessels are cut and can take up to 14 days to heal. This can limit the lymphatic system’s ability to pick up cellular waste which can lead to inflammation and more pain. You can help chronic pain by improving lymph flow through the area of pain. This improves circulation and the detoxification of cellular waste and inflammation that may be limiting healing. There are many ways to improve lymph flow from an alkaline diet, supplements, exercise, seeing a lymphatic therapist and self-lymphatic drainage.


Podcast 87 Help Multiple Sclerosis Improving Lymph Flow

Multiple Sclerosis TabletMutiple sclerosis is a disease that damages the myelin sheath that protects the nerve cells in the brain. You can help multiple sclerosis improving lymph flow. New research from the University of Virginia School of Medicine suggests that lymphatic vessels that clean the brain of harmful material play a crucial role in the development and progression of multiple sclerosis. In 2015 lymphatic vessels were found in the brain. In 2017 the major outflow of cerebrospinal fluid was found to be through lymphatic vessels. That means the lymphatic system plays a major role in maintaining the brain. By improving lymph flow you can help the detoxification of cellular waste that may be contributing to the symptoms of multiple sclerosis.


Podcast 86 Help Prostatitis by Balancing pH and Improving Lymph Flow

Two Prostate Images Med PicWhen you have prostate inflammation, also called prostatitis, the tissues around the prostate become compromised from the buildup of cellular waste. This buildup of cellular waste leads to limited circulation and inflamed tissues. around the prostate gland. As the lymphatic vessels can no longer reabsorb fluid from the prostate it swells limiting urine flow. The goal with any prostate problem is to balance pH and improve lymph flow to improve circulation and detoxification of cellular waste around and in the prostate gland. A lymphatic system detoxification can dramatically improve circulation in the prostate.

Podcast 84 Help Acid Reflux and GERD with Lymphatic System Detox

Acid Reflux - GERD DiagramMost of us have grown up watching commercials on acid indigestion and are familiar with acid reflux or more severe GERD, gastroesophageal reflux disease. You can help acid reflux and GERD with lymphatic system detoxification. If I were to say, “How do you spell relief?” Many of you would recite R-O-L-A-I-D-S! Globally we spend billions of dollars on antacids and proton pump inhibitors like Prilosec. We see acid as a digestive issue instead of acid damaging the cells of the body and brain. If acid reflux is not treated it worsens and can become  gastro-esophageal reflux disease. This means the tissues are becoming more inflamed and damaged. To help acid reflux and GERD, it is important to balance pH with a more alkaline diet, basic supplements and manually improving the lymphatic system to improve circulation and detoxification of acidic waste.


Help Drug Addiction by Improving the Lymph-Brain Connection

You can help drug addiction by improving the lymph-brain connection to improve lymph flow, circulation and detoxification in the brain. In addiction the body and brain can become acidic and toxic which can limit the lymphatic system’s ability to clean cellular waste. Improving lymph flow can help calm the mind and ease stress that may make a person want to use again. John Ossipinsky uses LymphPractic to help improve a lymph-brain connection to help how individuals feel mentally and physically. When you have used drugs like opioids or meth your body and brain can become overly acidic and affect how you feel and think. By receiving a few LymphPractic sessions or learning how to use self-lymphatic drainage you can help improve the lymphatic system. This helps circulation and detoxification which can help to relax the body and mind to help keep you from using again.


Podcast 83 Help Asthma by Balancing pH

An image of an asthma-inflamed bronchial tube on a white backgroundYou can help asthma by balancing pH to improve lymph flow, circulation and detoxification of acidic cellular waste. Asthma is a condition in which a person’s airways become inflamed, narrow, swell, and produce extra mucus, which makes it hard to breathe. You may hear wheezing in the lungs. When you see swelling in the bronchi or in a part of the body, often it has to do with a congested lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is a tiny network of vessels and nodes that help to reabsorb cellular waste, fluid, fibrin, fats and other debris from the body. By balancing the pH of the body you can help improve lymph flow to reduce inflammation and swelling in the lungs. There are many ways to help balance pH to improve lymph flow. A more alkaline diet is a key factor, also  basic supplements and light exercise can help balance pH. Receiving a LymphPractic session or learning self-lymphatic drainage to help directly improve the lymphatic system can dramatically help those with asthma.


Podcast 82 Lose Weight And Keep It Off By Reducing Inflammation

fat woman measuring her stomach to lose weightThere are millions of people around the world who would like help losing weight, learn the the next big weight loss secret. You can lose weight and keep it off by reducing inflammation in the body. Researchers have found that stubborn weight gain has to do with inflammation in the tissues. Inflammation is the result of a buildup of acidic cellular waste in an area of the body or brain. This buildup of acidic cellular waste can limit circulation in the tissues creating toxicity and inflammation. The lymphatic system maintains the tissues of the body by reabsorbing cellular waste, fluid and fats. When the body’s pH is overly acidic the lymphatic system becomes compromised and the body starts filling with cellular waste, fluid and fats. By improving lymph flow and balancing pH you can help lose weight with improved lymph flow, circulation and detoxification to reduce inflammation.


Lipedema Can Be Helped By Balancing Cellular pH

Do you think of Lipedema as a plumbing problem? Lipedema can be helped by balancing cellular pH. New research has found that one root cause of Alzheimer’s may be an acidic cell in the brain, that can no longer efficiently clean cellular waste. This same thing is happening in most health problems since every part of your body is made up of cells. If cells in your pancreas can’t clean then your pancreas becomes toxic and inflamed. This same phenomenon is happening with Lipedema. When cells in your legs or arms become overly acidic they can no longer clean cellular waste efficiently. This buildup of cellular waste in the legs or arms limits circulation and leads to edema, swelling. Balancing pH and improving the lymphatic system can help you manage your Lipedema.


Age Gracefully with Lymphatic System Detoxification

An acidic pH and toxicity ages the body. You can age gracefully with Lymphatic System Detoxification. The lymphatic system is a tiny network of vessels and nodes that help to maintain every system in the body. You can have more control over your health by learning to maintain your lymphatic system, the body’s sewage treatment system. When the lymphatic system cannot recover cellular waste efficiently it builds in your body and brain. This buildup of waste limits circulation and the body’s ability to detox. You can learn to use diet, basic supplements and the Ossipinsky Method of Lymphatic of Self-Lymphatic Drainage to maintain your lymphatic system to help reduce the buildup of cellular waste.


Podcast 81 Help Chronic Fatigue By Balancing pH

Doctor shows information: chronic fatigue syndromeYou can help chronic fatigue syndrome by balancing pH of the body. Chronic fatigue syndrome can manifest as extreme fatigue, substantially impair memory/concentration, sore throat, tender neck or armpit lymph nodes, muscle pain, headaches of a new types, pattern, or severity, disturbed sleep,  relapse of symptoms after exercise that lasts more than 24 hours, pain in multiple joints without swelling or redness. These are all signs of an acidic pH and congested lymphatic system that allows the body to fill with cellular waste. This acidic cellular waste limits the ability of red blood cells to carry oxygen needed to make ATP – adenosine triphosphate.  Without oxygen to make energy we become fatigue. Balancing the pH of the body to improve circulation and detoxification is the first step in helping chronic fatigue syndrome.



Podcast 80 Health Benefits of Maintaining Your Lymphatic System

lymphatic system drawingMost people don’t know they have a lymphatic system, a tiny network of vessels and nodes that cleans their body and brain. There are many health benefits of maintaining your lymphatic system. When you ignore the lymphatic system your body and brain can fill with cellular waste that can limit how you feel and think. Everyone needs to maintain their lymphatic system. If you have any problem from pain, anxiety, depression, fatigue, insomnia, foggy thinking, weight gain, swelling, digestive or skin issues you need to detox and maintain this system to heal and feel better. It takes an awareness of the lymphatic system and the need to maintain it to have a healthier life. Simple steps like eating a more alkaline diet, basic supplements like magnesium, enzymes and manually maintaining your lymphatic system with a lymphatic therapist or learning self-lymphatic drainage can help improve your lymphatic system and health.



Acidic Cell pH May be One Root Cause of Alzheimer’s Disease

John Ossipinsky explains new science how an acidic cell pH may be one root cause of Alzheimer’s. When cells in the brain, called astrocytes are acidic, it can limit detoxification in the cells. Researchers say this may be one root cause of Alzheimer’s. John has been writing about how an acidic pH can limit the lymphatic system and lead to a buildup of cellular waste that impedes detoxification since 2003. You can help lower your risk of Alzheimer’s by improving lymph flow in the body and brain by using diet, supplements and self-lymphatic drainage.

body and brain.

Podcast 79 Two Important Steps to Help Autism

Lymphatic System Detoxification AutismEmerging science of the lymphatic system can help those with autism. There are two important steps to help autism. One – balance pH of the body. Two – improve lymph flow through the body and brain.  These same two steps can play an important role in helping aggressiveness, ADHD, developmental delayed, Asperger’s and others on the autism spectrum. In 2015 lymphatic vessels were found in the brain. In 2017 researchers found that the major outflow of cerebrospinal fluid is through lymphatic vessels. When the pH of the body is overly acidic it limits lymph flow, circulation and detoxification in the brain. If cerebrospinal fluid cannot leave the brain efficiently through lymphatic vessels, then proteins, parts of cells, can build in the brain (also the digestive organs and skin), limiting function. The first two-steps to helping autism is balancing pH which improves circulation and then manually improving lymphatic system to improve detoxification.


Podcast 78 Help Lipedema and Associated Health Problems by Balancing pH

Lipedema - Lymphatic Vessels of the Leg, vintage engraved illustration.Lipedema or Lipoedema is a growing problem that mostly affects woman with swelling in their legs and arms. You can help Lipedema and associated health problems by balancing pH. Many people with swelling or Lipedema don’t have just swelling, often they have one or two other health issues like depression, anxiety, insomnia, digestive issues or skin problems like eczema. When your lymphatic system is compromised you can have many health issues since the lymphatic system maintains every system in the body, even the brain. When it comes to swelling like Lipedema and associated problems it is important to know your pH, potential of hydrogen or whether your body is acidic, in balance or alkaline. When your tissues become overly acidic the lymphatic vessels and microcirculation of your veins can constrict and limit circulation. This can allow cellular waste to build in the tissues of the skin where the superficial lymphatic system is located and create little log jams limiting circulation. This is how inflammation begins as cellular waste in your tissues. Improving the lymphatic system with a more alkaline diet, basic supplements, exercise and manual self-lymphatic drainage can help you have more control over your lipedema and associated health problems.


Lower Risk of Heart Failure by Improving Lymph Flow

Recent research linked the buildup of amyloid to heart failure. You can lower risk of heart failure by improving lymph flow to reduce the buildup of desmin proteins which are clumping together and congesting the heart. When the lymphatic system is working optimally it helps to reabsorb cellular waste that can build in the heart limiting the ability of the lymphatic system to reabsorb fluid and cellular waste. When the heart becomes overly acidic it can limit lymph flow and lead to proteins building in the heart to form amyloid deposits which can be fatal. Improving the lymphatic system with a more alkaline diet, magnesium, enzymes, exercise and manually improving the lymphatic system can help lower your risk of heart failure.


Podcast 76 Help Heart Disease by Balancing pH to Improve Detoxification

Human heart , heart diseaseAs we age the body’s ability to clean itself is diminished, this can lead to cellular waste building in the heart creating heart disease and heart failure. New research has found cellular waste called amyloid in the heart, in heart failure. You can help heart disease by balancing pH to improve detoxification. The idea that we are filling with cellular waste is an easy one to understand once you see that the lymphatic system is the body’s sewage treatment system. Everyone has a tiny network of vessels and nodes that helps to clean their body and brain of cellular waste, fats, and other debris. In the case of heart disease a protein called Desmin is building in the tissues of the heart. You can make your body a cleaning machine by limiting processed foods, eating a more alkaline diet, taking alkaline supplements, systemic enzymes, daily exercise and manually improving your lymphatic system.


Podcast 75 Help Difficulty Breathing with Lymphatic System Detoxification

Lymphatic System and Lungs Difficulty BreathingDifficulty breathing can manifest as shortness of breath and a tight chest. You can help difficulty breathing with lymphatic system detoxification. When the tissues of the lungs and chest become overly acidic they constrict and limit the ability of the lungs to stretch and take a good breath. This is a problem I hear most about from clients and those on social media, they are having a hard time breathing. The goal is to help change the pH of the tissues of the lungs and chest from being overly acidic to a more balanced pH. When your tissues are more in balance they relax and have better circulation, which is healing. Balancing pH with a more alkaline diet, supplements like magnesium, light exercise and improving the lymphatic system can help improve how you breathe.



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Lymphatics in the Head

Learn How to Gently Detox and Maintain Your Lymphatic System to Help Overcome an Illness, Help Prevent Disease or to Have Vibrant Life.
