John Ossipinsky's Lymphatic System Health Blog

Learn Life Changing Science of the Lymphatic System and Health


John Ossipinsky has been working with the lymphatic system for over 25 years, helping client’s with their pain and debility. He is an author, health coach and the developer of LymphPractic, a gentle whole body lymphatic system tuneup that benefits most health problems. John is on a mission to help everyone understand the importance of detoxing and maintaining their lymphatic system. Understanding the body’s sewage treatment system can help you overcome an illness, lower your risk of disease or have a vibrant, happy life with your memories intact. The lymphatic system helps maintain every system in the body, by improving this one system, you help all system’s of the body, even the brain.

Podcast 113 Lose Weight with Lymphatic System Detoxification

fat woman measuring her stomach to lose weightIf you find it hard to lose weight you have to start maintaining your lymphatic system. You can lose weight with lymphatic system detoxification. The lymphatic system is a tiny network of vessels and nodes that help to clean the body of cellular waste and fat. In manual lymphatic system detoxification, the goal is to improve lymph flow, circulation and natural detoxification of cellular waste and fats from the tissues of the body. Two-studies in 2005 linked fat and obesity to damaged lymph vessels. The lymphatic system plays a large role in helping those who struggle with weight gain to lose weight. When the lymphatic system cannot clean cellular waste, fats, and fluid from your tissues you find it difficult to lose weight. You can lose weight and keep it off when you become aware of your lymphatic system and the need to detox and maintain the body’s sewage treatment system. It is not about being perfect in diet but learning how to use diet, basic supplements, exercise and activating the lymphatic system to improve lymph flow and detoxification of cellular waste and fats from the body.


Podcast 112 Help Anxiety by Reducing Senescent Zombie Cells

Pretty blonde woman having anxiety and breath difficulties in the living roomThere is new research that shows that by reducing senescent, zombie cells in obese mice alleviates anxiety. You can help anxiety by reducing senescent zombie cells. Senescent zombie cells are cells that have not gone through their normal death of apoptosis. They float around the body damaging surrounding tissue. Senescent cells have been linked to many diseases, like osteoarthritis, atherosclerosis, they even play a role in aging. The lymphatic system, a tiny network of vessels and nodes plays a large role in maintaining the cellular environment. When the lymphatic system is not working optimally cellular waste like senescent cells can build in the body creating inflammation, anxiety, and disease. Be aware of the need to detox and maintain the lymphatic system to have less anxiety.

Podcast 111 Help Heal Cosmetic Surgery by Improving Lymphatic System

SurgeryHaving cosmetic surgery is becoming very popular. You can help heal cosmetic surgery by improving the lymphatic system. When you have cosmetic or any surgery the surgeons are cutting through lymphatic vessels and blood vessels. This limits how the lymphatic system can clean the excess cellular waste from the healing process which leads to inflammation. By receiving a few manual lymph drainage sessions you can help reduce the buildup of cellular waste and inflammation from surgery. By improving the lymphatic system you help to reduce inflammation and edema to improve healing after surgery.

Podcast 110 Help Stroke Recovery by Improving the Lymph-Brain Connection

lymph-rain connectionIf you or a loved one is recovering from a stroke you must include maintaining the lymphatic system. You can help stroke recovery by improving the lymph-brain connection. When you are recovering from a stroke you often receive physical and occupational therapy daily. Improving the lymphatic system is not thought of in stroke recovery and it needs to be. The lymphatic system plays a large role in maintaining the brain. In 2015 researchers found lymphatic vessels in the brain. In 2017 the major outflow of cerebrospinal fluid was found to be through lymphatic vessels. You can help stroke recovery by improving the lymph-brain connection to improve circulation and natural detoxification of cellular waste.


Podcast 109 Help COPD by Improving Lymph Flow

Human Lungs in ThoraxChronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease or COPD is a serious chronic lung disease that is a growing problem amongst baby boomers. You can help COPD by improving lymph flow. COPD, whether it is chronic bronchitis or emphysema is a life-changing diagnosis. The lymphatic system plays a large role in helping to maintain the tissues of the lungs. Your lungs help to reduce cellular waste. Every time you take a deep breath you help remove carbonic acid from the lungs. When carbonic acid builds in the lungs it can breakdown and damage lung tissue. By improving lymph flow with a healthier diet and lymphatic drainage you can help to improve circulation and natural detoxification of damaging acidic waste to help slow the progression of the COPD.


Podcast 108 Help Migraines By Improving The Lymphatic System

Woman with severe Migraine Headache holding hands to headIf you are someone who suffers from migraines, you should learn about the lymphatic system. You can help migraines by improving the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is a tiny network of vessels and nodes that help to clean cellular waste from the body and brain. In 2015 lymphatic vessels were found in the brain, that is a direct lymph-brain connection that can be used to help migraines or any problem with how you feel and think. When you have a migraine,  most of the time, the pressure you feel is due to the buildup of cellular waste and fluid. You can help migraines by improving the lymphatic system and detoxification to reduce inflammation and pressure. Diet plays a large role in how your body deals with inflammation. Eating more fruits, vegetables, being well hydrated and receiving a few lymph drainage sessions or learning how to self-drain your lymphatic system can help reduce inflammation and the recurrence of migraines.


Podcast 107 How to Prepare for a Healthy Pregnancy

Pregnant Woman in FieldIt should be every parent’s goal to take steps to prepare for a healthy pregnancy. You will learn how to prepare for a healthy pregnancy that has to do with the lymphatic system. It is very important in preparing for pregnancy that you help improve your lymphatic system to improve the natural detoxification of cellular waste. When the lymphatic system is sluggish you can become more toxic from cellular waste building in the body. When cellular waste builds in the body during pregnancy Mom can have more toxicity and swelling. Many diseases like preeclampsia and HELLP are associated with excess protein in the urine. The problems associated with excess protein can be avoided by going through a series of gentle lymphatic system detoxifications before you are planning to become pregnant.


Podcast 106 Help Erectile Dysfunction with Lymphatic System Detoxification

lymphatic system drawing v2 by adbravo - CroppedMany men don’t realize that erectile dysfunction is a problem of limited circulation in the pelvis. You can help erectile dysfunction with lymphatic system detoxification. Erectile dysfunction or ED begins when the lymph and blood vessels in the pelvis become congested with cellular waste. Cellular waste has been linked to many health issues from heart failure, breast cancer, and most neurological diseases.  The lymphatic system maintains the cellular environment by reabsorbing cellular debris, immune cells, and other waste and returns it to the blood. You can have more control over ED and the buildup of cellular waste in the body by learning to detox and maintain your lymphatic system.


Podcast 105 Help Neurodegenerative Diseases by Detoxing Cellular Waste

Brain Cell NeuronsThere are many neurodegenerative diseases linked to the buildup of cellular waste, which primarily affects the neurons in the brain. You can help neurodegenerative diseases by detoxing cellular waste. Neurons are the building blocks of the nervous system which includes the brain and spinal cord. Neurons normally don’t reproduce or replace themselves, when they become damaged or die they cannot be replaced by the body. Neurodegenerative diseases occur when neurons in the brain and spinal cord begin to deteriorate.  Degenerative nerve diseases affect many of your body’s activities, such as balance, movement, talking, breathing, and heart function. As cellular waste builds around the neurons the cell becomes damaged or dies. By activating the lymphatic system, you can help neurodegenerative diseases by detoxing cellular waste.


Podcast 103 Why Cancer Survivors Should Improve Their Lymphatic System

Green Lymphatic System Lady CroppedWhen many cancer survivors end their cancer treatment they don’t think of improving their lymphatic system. There are many reasons why cancer survivors should improve their lymphatic system. During cancer treatment, whether you use traditional chemotherapy and radiation or more alternative treatments, extreme amounts of cellular waste can be created. The buildup of cellular waste like fibrin from the treatments can limit circulation and healing. The lymphatic system is a tiny network of vessels and nodes that helps to reabsorb cellular waste, fibrin, immune cells and fluid from the body. When you improve the lymphatic system after cancer treatment, you help to improve circulation and the ability of the lymphatic system to reduce acidic cellular waste and inflammation. Cancer survivors should improve their lymphatic system to improve lymph flow and their immune system to lower their risk of recurrence.

Podcast 102 Help Breast Implant Removal with Lymphatic System Detoxification

SurgeryIt is important to help breast implant removal with lymphatic system detoxification. Implant complications: Breast implant complications can necessitate breast implant removal. Complications may include implant rupture, folding or deflation if the breast implant is filled with saline.  Other reasons are capsular contracture, tension bands asymmetry, displacement, infection and leakage of silicone. Some women may feel their breast implants are the wrong shape or size.  Over time the implants may have moved into the wrong position because of weight loss, weight gain or pregnancies. When you had the breast implants implanted, the surgery can compromise the lymphatic system in the axilla (underarm) nodes and nodes beneath the clavicles. Over time the lymphatic system can become more congested and you can start having many health problems due to the lymphatic system becoming congested and limiting circulation. Improving the lymphatic system with lymphatic system detoxification can help improve circulation and detoxification of acidic cellular waste that is making you feel ill and prepare you for surgery.


Podcast 100 Help Cluster Headaches With Lymphatic System Detoxification

Lymphatic System Detoxification AutismYou can help cluster headaches with lymphatic system detoxification. Cluster headaches can last for 15 minutes to 3 hours and often occur in clusters which typically last for weeks or months and occasionally more than a year. There is often accompanying eye-watering, nasal congestion, or swelling around the eye on the affected side. These are all signs that the lymphatic system is not working efficiently. The lymphatic system plays a large role in reabsorbing interstitial fluid from our tissues. When the lymphatic vessels can’t reabsorb fluid you will see symptoms like eye-watering, or swelling around the eye on the affected side. Learning to maintain your lymphatic system with diet, supplements, and self-lymphatic drainage can help you have better control over your cluster headaches.


Podcast 99 Reduce Your Risk of Stroke with Lymphatic System Detoxification

Brain Image Xray Med PIc StrokeThere are many reasons to reduce your risk of stroke with lymphatic system detoxification. The major reason for a stroke is poor blood flow to the brain, resulting in cell death. This is something that you personally have control over. The main risk factor in strokes is high blood pressure. Other risk factors include tobacco smoking, obesity, high blood cholesterol, diabetes mellitus, a previous TIA, and atrial fibrillation. By learning how to maintain your lymphatic system, you can reduce inflammation and lower your risk of a stroke.



Podcast 98 Reduce Heart Failure Risk By Improving The Lymphatic System

Human Heart Circulation Heart DIsease, Heart FailureHeart failure, is a heart muscle that is having diffciulty removing fluid and cellular waste. You can reduce heart failure risk by improving the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system, your body’s sewage treatment system, helps maintain your skin, muscles, organs, bones, blood vessels, nerves and brain. When your lymphatic system becomes compromised in the heart, heart cells called the desmin protein become trapped in the heart. As this waste builds it limits lymph flow and circulation through the heart muscles and fluid can build around the heart. By improving the lymphatic system you can help to gently detox acidic cellular waste from the chest area.  When you learn how to maintain your lymphatic system you gain more control over detoxification and the health of your body to help heart disease.


Podcast 97 Whole Body Pain is Helped With Lymphatic System Detoxification

Green Lymphatic System Lady NewIt is important to know that whole body pain is about a congested lymphatic system which is the body’s sewage treatment system. Whole body pain is helped with lymphatic system detoxification. Your lymphatic system is a tiny network of vessels and nodes that maintains your skin, muscles, bones, organs, nerves and brain. When lymph vessels become congested or overly acidic they can no longer clean the body or brain efficiently. When this occurs in the skin it becomes full of cellular waste and excess protein rich fluid that can create inflammation and pressure under the skin. When a person with whole body pain bumps into something it hurts due to the excess fluid and inflammation under the skin. Receiving a gentle lymphatic system detoxification can help reduce inflammation and your whole body pain.


Podcast 95 Help Baby Colic by Improving Lymph Flow

crying colic baby When a baby is clenching their fists, crying often while passing gas they may have baby colic. You can help baby colic by improving lymph flow to reduce inflammation. The lymphatic system is a tiny network of vessels and nodes that helps to reabsorb cellular waste. When the lymphatic system is not working optimally, cellular waste can build in the digestive system, creating inflammation, gas and pain that can make a baby uncomfortable. If Mom is breastfeeding it is important to check saliva and urine pH to make sure Mom is not overly acidic which can make the baby acidic and limit lymph flow in the body and brain. Receiving a few gentle lymphatic drainage sessions or learning to drain your baby’s lymphatic system can help alleviate the pain and irritability that comes with having baby with colic. John explains how to manually open the Cisterna Chyli, three lymphatic vessels in the abdomen that maintain the digestive system, to help colic.

Balance pH of Acidic Brain Cells to Help Autism

If you are trying to help a child with autism, it’s important to balance pH and improve the lymphatic system. You must balance pH of acidic brain cells to help autism. In recent research an acidic brain cell, called the Astrocyte was found to be a missed root cause of Alzheimer’s. Researchers found when the brain cell became acidic it could no longer clean itself. This creates inflammation and begins the disease process. By balancing pH and improving the lymphatic system you can help children with autism. In 2015 lymphatic vessels were found in the brain. That is a direct lymph-brain connection that can be used to help the brain and autism.


Podcast 94 Lymphatic System Detoxification Helps Difficulty Breathing

Human Lungs in ThoraxWhen you are having diffculty breathing, your first thought isn’t lymphatic system detoxification. For many people lymphatic system detoxification helps difficulty breathing. There can be many reasons for a tight chest and diffculty breathing, from an injury to your ribs, medications or acidic foods and beverages that can constrict your lungs and chest. Recent research found that an acidic brain cell may contribute to Alzheimer’s disease. They found when the brain cell called an astrocyte is acidic it can no longer clean itself. This same thing is happening in your lungs which are made up of cells. When the lungs become overly acidic the cells of the lungs can no longer clean and your lungs become acidic, inflamed and toxic. By learning to detox and maintain the lymphatic system you can gain more control over your breathing. John explains how to do the LymphMan Shoulder Shuffle to relax your shoulders and help you take a deep breath.


Help PTSD With Lymphatic System Detoxification

PTSD with lymphatic system detoxificxation. Even though many veterans are being diagnosed with PTSD many in the general population have experienced a devastating event and have PTSD. Ongoing stress and extremely stressful events can create an acidic pH in the body which can limit lymph flow. In 2015 lymphatic vessels were found in the brain and in 2017 lymphatic vessels were found to be the major outflow of cerebrospianl fluid from the brain. Meaning the lymphatic system plays a large role in maintaining the brain. If you want to help how you think and feel you must include maintaining the lymphatic system.


Podcast 93 Help Alzheimer’s Disease by Balancing pH

Senior Couple One May Have Alzheimer'sThe first of the Baby Boomers are hitting 74 and may have some concerns about or exhibiting signs of dementia or Alzheimer’s. You can help Alzheimer’s disease by balancing pH. When you first receive a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease, especially in the early stages, you should consider putting steps into action that will help balance the pH of your body and brain cells. A few months ago researchers found that when an acidic brain cell called an Astrocyte is overly acidic, the cell can longer clean itself. At the first signs of Alzheimer’s or dementia you need to look at your diet and lifestyle, and make changes that will help balance pH to improve lymph flow in the brain. Eating a more alkaline diet, basic supplements and lymph drainage can help improve circulation and detoxification in the brain.


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Lymphatics in the Head

Learn How to Gently Detox and Maintain Your Lymphatic System to Help Overcome an Illness, Help Prevent Disease or to Have Vibrant Life.
