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      John Ossipinsky is a lymphatic system expert with over 26 years of working with the lymphatic system and its connection to the body and brain, to promote health. After retiring from the New York City Fire Department in 1991, John and his wife Eileen moved to Phoenix, Arizona.

      In 1994 John graduated from Phoenix Therapeutic Massage College. He continued his education with the Upledger Institute and Chikly Health Institute where he learned the work of three world-renowned doctors who use their hands to improve the health of the brain, spinal cord, nerves, viscera (organs), and the lymphatic system. John became certified in Lymphedema Therapy and CranioSacral Therapy


      Lymphatic System Detoxification the New Science of Health

      John has been studying and working with the body, especially the lymphatic system and the brain helping many health problems. He knows how the lymphatic system plays critical roles in detoxification and completing circulation through the tissues of the body, including the skin, muscles, bones, organs, blood vessels, nerves, spinal cord, and brain.

       Read John’s letter to Secretary Sebelius of Human Health Services. Read the National Institutes of Health reply to John, where they write, “We agree with you that there is a clear need to understand the biology of the lymphatic system in health and disease.” They realized this in the year 2000! It is now 2021, it will be decades before information about maintaining the lymphatic system trickles down to the public.

      Learning to Detox and Maintain Your Lymphatic System is Life Changing!

      John himself suffered from various health problems (IBS, heart palpitations, lactose intolerance, weight gain, gas, bloating, nausea, tight muscles, and restless leg syndrome). When he began to maintain his lymphatic system, his health problems started to resolve in less than 30 days.

      Hundreds of clients have learned to maintain their lymphatic system in John’s online course and mentoring program, “Reboot Your Health With The Lymphatic System.” Missed science that will change your life.

      LymphPractic® – Manual Lymphatic System Detoxification

      John spent years researching the best way to manually activate the lymphatic system to detox cellular waste, excess proteins, toxins, and other debris from the tissues of the body. While manually activating the lymphatic system of hundreds of patients to improve their overall health, John developed LymphPractic®. It is one of the first manual therapy’s in the nation to specifically improve whole body lymph flow and “Natural Detoxification” of cellular waste and excess proteins by increasing lymph flow in the skin, muscles, bones, organs, and central nervous system. LymphPractic is based on the science of the lymphatic, craniosacral, visceral (organ) and fascial systems, Shiatsu, and massage.

      LymphPractic increases “Whole Body Circulation” and detoxification creating a healthier cellular environment.  The improved circulation helps to naturally detox cellular waste, proteins, toxins, fluids, and other debris from in and around the cells of the body. John began to see that most health problems quickly improved as he activated his client’s lymphatic system over a few weeks.

      Improve World Health

      In 2006 three years after realizing a compromised lymphatic system was allowing cellular waste to build in the body, and brain creating many diseases John published, An Undetected Acid-Alkaline Imbalance. 

       Our goal is to “improve world health” by empowering others to have a healthier, happier life by understanding this emerging science to improve their lymphatic system to take charge of their health.

      In 2009 the Ossipinsky’s started OssipinskyHealthAcademy.com to teach the public about the health benefits of maintaining their lymphatic system to increase circulation and the “Natural Detoxification” of cellular waste from the body and brain.

      In 2013 the Ossipinsky’s formed the Lymphatic Research and Education Institute.  Mission Statement: To promote greater understanding of the lymphatic system’s role in maintaining human health and preventing disease through research and education.

      Contact John to see how LymphPractic or Lymphatic System Health Coaching can make a dramatic difference with your specific health concerns.


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